Frequently Asked Questions…

The reform and privatisation of the power sector will be of immense benefit to Nigerians. One of the key benefits is that it will bring about economic boom to Nigeria. Unemployment, which is presently very rampant, will quickly go down as people would be free to set up businesses for themselves or work in the various businesses that would spring up when we have quality and affordable electricity supply. What privatisation in the telecommunications sector has done for Nigeria is a child’s play compared to what power would do.

NERC is the regulator of the electric power sector. It was created to ensure that all participants in the industry play according to the rules. NERC is to power what Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) is to telecoms.

1. All new electricity connections must be done strictly based on metering before connection. That is, no new customer should be connected by a DisCo without a meter first being installed at the premises.
2. All customers have a right to electricity supply in a safe and reliable manner.
3. All customers have a right to a properly installed and functional meter.
4. All customers have a right to properly informed and educated on the electricity service.
5. All customers have a right to transparent electricity billing.

When it comes to the power industry in Nigeria, there are a lot of questions that the average consumer seeks to find answers to. 

We at Geometric Power operate from a place of complete transparency and believe in advocating on the behalf of the consumer. We aim to provide our customers not just with reliable power but also with reliable information. Our ethos of “…emPOWERing the people” is not just a mantra/slogan but an active belief that we as a company and power provider stand by and work towards on a daily basis. 

Below are few basic questions that can be answered here but to find out more please feel free and do not hesitate to reach out to us for further information and/or clarification.

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